“Thank You” by Summer Miller

When I first met you
I was so lost.
I would’ve never changed
Had our paths not crossed.

You never judged me once,
And always offered me a helping hand.
You always offered me comfort,
Even when I felt like I was stuck in quick sand.

You understood my pain
Because of things you went through yourself.
You related to me
Because we had the same hands dealt.

You gave me a way out,
Out of the whole I’d dug myself in.
You gave me a chance to be better
And to never return to the places I’d been.

Then we ended up getting the biggest blessing
Even though it wasn’t planned.
It has completely changed my life
In more ways than anybody could understand.

Because of you, I’m a mother now
And the two of you gave my life a new meaning
I finally have the healthy family
I’d only ever seen if I was dreaming.

Together we made something so beautiful
And I want to say thank you.
Thank you for our daughter
And everything you do.

Thank you for never judging me
And always giving me hope.
Thank you for opening my eyes
Through all the walls you broke.

Thank you for your patience
In the times when I probably deserve none.
Thank you for not only being there
But always for everything you’ve done.

Thank you for stepping up
And being the best dad.
Thank you for always doing right by us
And becoming the best family I’ve ever had.

Thank you.

Bio: I wrote this poem for the man I love who blessed me with being a momma. He saved me in so many ways, in times when I deserved no salvation or forgiveness he saw a light in me that I myself couldn’t see. He seen the good through the bad and stood by me through it all. Our little girl and him saved me and completely changed the direction of my life in all the best ways they could have. I love you Ryan, and I can’t say thank you enough, guess I had to write a poem about it. Our family means everything to me.

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