“Fore It Spoils: A Love Story” by Hannah Logan

‘Fore It Spoils: A Love Story
(Or “The Him She Hasn’t Met That Left His Scent in Her Hair”)

She’s laughin’ makin’ stir-fry,
organic veggies all,
in a mountain cabin bought together.
(They both so love the fall.)

Bonnie Raitt is playin’.
He’s drizzlin’ olive oil.
“Can’t let the spinach win,” she’s sayin’,
“Gotta eat it ‘fore it spoils.”

Her laugh, that’s his real livin’,
always up to somethin’.
Upcomin’ is Thanksgivin’.
They’ve planned some perfect nothin’.

He could be rollin’ in the dough again,
but for the man who made his fortune early
she gets him like no Benjamins
and soulless work just makes him surly.

Come morn she’ll birth some more imagination
that makes this world worth stayin’ for.
He’ll ask her thoughts on his new creation.
And think “Could I love her any more?”

After each has sat alone, bein’ still and knowin’
they’ll work the day in cozy spaces.
And from Being will they show that
best things come from quiet, inner places.

The tiny house is hers, for comfort and creatin’.
Him inside their ample castle
he’ll do some innovatin’
and bless the world with laughter.

Doggie Blue will interrupt
ask to dance with perfect timin’
always space for hand-holdin’, coffee cups
brisk walks and sun ‘a’shinin’.

And when Blue Boy runs up the hill,
yellin’, “Look, Ma, there’s a squirrel!”
she’ll remember writin’, feelin’ ill…
but still believin’, though such a lonely girl.


Hannah Logan is a feeler, a healer, a writer, and a fighter for worthy causes. She does lots of artsy things and helps others do artsy things as well. She loves all her inner kids and humans in general and is working to leave the world, and the people she meets, better than she found them… mainly by being kind, truthful, creative, and unabashedly, odd.